Wednesday 19 August 2009

Going Somewhere?

One of the things that makes The Conclave great is the beer meets. While The Conclave has been attending LAN gaming events in the Benelux region for several years, this fine tradition started a while ago in London, but has since spread across Europe, taking place in Utrecht and Warsaw.

Another addition to the arsenal of events that The Conclave has set up are our summer parties, sometimes lovingly called "beer meats", because there is usually a barbequeue present. Last year, we had a session of paintball and a session of archery tacked on; this year it was laser gaming (aside: I'm usually reasonable at laser-gaming, but I forgot I was playing against people who spent hours a day on first person shooters for years).

Anyway, we seem to be experiencing a resurgence of Conclave events recently. In September, a few of us are piling around to Xanthos's place for LAN gaming and beer for a few days, and then in October the beer meet returns to London. Manny's also organising an evening's entertainment at Wzzrd (a gaming bar near Enschede) in November. These events and more can be found on our new Real-life Events board.


[CC]Chief said...

Indeed, more real life events is a good thing.

I'm looking forward to the LAN in September. Another chance to form our band and play some Guitar Hero :D

ShaunS said...

Looking forward to my first! tbh!