Monday, 16 March 2009

The law of progression

Last week during the World of Warcraft 25-man raid for Naxxramas we were, for the first time, facing the effects of the law of progression:

The more progression you have the quicker you run out of content and the faster people will be bored and turn to other stuff like other games, levelling alts etc resulting in making it harder to keep on raiding.

It's a hard to grasp concept this issue of progression. Too much of it and people run out of content, too little and they'll get irritated over the fact that there's no visible forward movement towards vanquishing new bosses etc.

I'm really pleased with our progression in WoW since Christmas of 2008. We're currently the 6th Horde Guild on Auchindoun progression wise and with the new patch 3.0 coming out anytime soon in April we're right on track. The players with sufficient gear of a proper level can move to the new raid instance of Ulduar, which as we have been told will be no walk in the park, while the people with gear of lower quality will find a new incentive to gear up some more in Naxxramas 25-man and then move to the new areas.

I'm looking forward to exploring the new areas along with some of the veterans of our Guild like Incomplete, Psyclone, BlueWarlord and lots of other members in The Conclave's WoW group that I cannot think up right now (don't take it personally guys, my memory is a black hole when it comes to recollecting names :D).

Ulduar or bust I'd say!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, you forgot me! :P But I'm not really active at all for the moment. Too much real life. ;)

Anyway, I wish you all good luck with the new content (coming soon hopefully) and I hope that I find time to play soon again!
