Friday, 6 March 2009

Self-loathing Part 0

Well as I've been branded an author on this blog I might as well give you all an introductory post. I am Duke Raven, short for His Grace Duke Raven Greyhawk of Arien, which was a fictional character I invented for the Conclave. I've been around since the beginning minus a week or two as I was on holiday when the Conclave was founded.

Within the Conclave I am the only member that has fulfilled all of the positions, but if I did a decent job remains to be seen. I am now one of the five Directors who bicker on TeamSpeak every monday evening about what was, what is and what will be.

As for gaming I've played Battlefield 1942 which marks the beginning of the suckage. I've tried to dabble with Unreal Tournament 2004, but it is official First Person Shooters are not for me. Since then I've focused on Real-Time Strategy games and RolePlaying Games. When playing a game from those two genres I probably can describe my skill level as mediocre. But as they say in the Olympics "Participating is more important than winning!". I say, "Bollocks!". If you win once in a while it motivates you to continue playing, but constantly losing (read: being ground into a pulp) does not motivate at all.

On top of my genetic disposition to sucking at multiplayer gaming I've been diagnosed with an eye disease which forces me to wear sunglasses during the day, whether there is a sun or not. So I do get weird looks and glaces from people, but if they don't even bother to ask why I wear the sunglasses I think, "sod them!". As it stands I have a visus of 10%, which means that I can see about 10% of what normal healthy people see. This is just a number though, the point is that when I focus my vision on something it becomes a blur, that is why I look more peripherally and by doing so I can still function.

That's it for the first part. There might be more later, .... or not.
Duke Raven.

1 comment:

Kaz Dragon said...

What Duke cunningly leaves out is that, despite having an eye disorder which means it's amusing to watch him play games with his nose almost pressed to the screen, he's actually really good at RTS games!