Monday, 9 March 2009

So much history, so little time…

So much history, so little time…

It has been many years since the Conclave started, 6+ apparently. Now as my first lecture, I’d like to give you all some history lessons. Because you should know your history, or you are doomed to repeat it. This sometimes might not be a bad thing, but for now, assume it is. This is about my arrival at the gates of the Citadel back in good ol’ 2002.

Around 1998 I joined a group of gamers called LSF (Last Starfighter League). Apparently some parts of the website are still up, ooh the memories. It was a group dedicated to playing all kinds of Star Wars based video games. The most popular games within this community back then were Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II and X-wing vs. TIE-Fighter. I myself played JK and some Rebellion (or Supremacy for you Brits). When I left LSF, due to increased study pressure, it was around the summer of 2001. Some time later I heard about trouble in paradise and the fact that LSF had split up in different factions due to differences in the approach of games and members in general. One of these were Ghost Legion, a former pie-rat faction within LSF. Another community was about to be formed…

At that time I already knew most old time Conclave members that are still active today. Chief started to bug me with spam mail (not the Monthy Python kind). He was constantly filling up my mailbox so I finally decided that it was time to start annoying the sh*t out of him in return.

I arrived at the gates of the Citadel in September 2002 and haven’t felt let down since.

1 comment:

Manesni said...

and there were many cookies and toilets ever after....